It is supposed mean someone who AVOIDS using Plastics especially Single-use Plastics either for health or environmental reasons
A Google search on that word brought up articles dated around 2013; it may not have been in existence for long

A Vegetarian is a person who consumes plenty of Vegetables / has a Plant based diet; a Disciplinarian is a person who believes in or practices firm discipline; a Humanitarian is a person who seeks to promote human welfare. Besides, the suffix "-arian" often means "a person who practices or believes in something"
How is "Plasticarian" ever supposed mean someone who AVOIDS Plastics.. ???

Just want to be on right path to eliminating or minimizing usage of Plastics with the right word
For a name that doesn't even remotely resonate with me, probably several others like me and being unable to accept "Plasticarian" for what it stands for, I've coined the term "Ecosgatarian" (may not be absolutely charming but miles better than "Plasticarian")

Ecosgatarian was inspired by the way Covid19 was named (ok, yikes). Though, that virus has had more names than its mutations. from "WuhanVirus" to CoronaVirus & let's not forget SARS-CoV-2; for as nasty a disease it is, we are now happily settled with Covid19. How Sweet...
Anyways, seriously, Plasticarian sounds like a person who UNABASHADLY uses plastics & I don't want to be associated with that.
Till someone else comes up with a cooler, more relatable name, "Ecosgatarian" should very well replace a rather coarse term Plasticarian.