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Litter and Pollution everywhere... Why is it that not many seem to care?

Writer's picture: IvyKrissIvyKriss

Well, to a certain extent, that could be explained by Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid...

As per the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Basic human needs, must be met before they turn their attention towards others & take actions to protect the environment...

Why Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs Matters

Why No One Cares About Climate Change

For instance, In developing countries, though it is a huge cause and challenge only if people are given access to clean water, plastic pollution caused by water bottles or cans can be alleviated

"Improve water supply in poorer nations to cut plastic use, say experts"

"Report calls for urgent action to tackle developing countries’ reliance on bottled water"

If basic Physiological needs such as clean water is not met, then the chances of alleviating plastic pollution is rather slim.

On the other hand (and for discussion in another blog), consumerism and affluence is also heavily impacting our planet; in developed nations what is lacking with most people is awareness & environmental consciousness.

"If you don't know then how can you care? "

~ Sylvia Earle

People need to take a step back from their convenience-minded, throw away culture and get into the habit of REUSING so as not exacerbate the problem of pollution.



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Welcome to EcoVive

I am Divya. I have been an Environmentalist for as long as I know and have created EcoVive to share my thoughts and raise awareness.


To keep us & our Planet healthy, to avoid the further degradation of our environment, more than ever now it is crucial that we become more conscious of our Environment and embrace a sustainable way of living


Leading a Green life can be pretty simple and easy to adopt.

Little steps, little changes by most individuals can have a significant impact on our Environment


Let's all together Make Earth Great Again

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