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Individual Social Responsibility

Writer's picture: IvyKrissIvyKriss

In the movie Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, after a futile attempt of waiting for his dad to arrive, Harry takes charge, conjuring Patronus charm saving himself from Dementors.

My fellow PotterHeads would understand dire situation Harry was in at that moment

Likewise, NO ONE’S coming to save Earth; Individual's Social Responsibility, ISR is crucial and should complement Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR and Government Policies

Now back to (muggle) World from Hogwarts

We are in a pretty dreadful situation with climate change, plastic pollution, loss of biodiversity, overpopulation; each individual has got to do his share

Protecting Our Planet Starts with YOU...

If Individuals do their respective parts in reducing their carbon and plastic footprint, adopt a a more eco friendly way of life, then those small actions would collectively lead to massive change!

Below are 10 simple ways to protect the Planet

We live on a finite planet; resources are not vast and infinite.

Plastic pollution, human population growth, overconsumption and exploitation, deforestation, agriculture and other human activities are pushing our planet’s natural systems that support life on earth to the brink.

The WWF and Zoological Society of London (ZSL)’s biennial Living Planet Report 2020 indicates that "On average, global populations of mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles plunged by 68% between 1970 and 2016".

We have witnessed this decline in less than 50 years!!

In this complex web of life that weaves us all together, each living being, be it microorganisms, plants, insects, birds, animals, are all dependent on one another for survival. The extinction of one or more species will impact other species, create an imbalance, weaken the ecosystem and affect the health of ecosystems in forests, rivers, oceans, etc. This will in turn have serious implications on our food, clean air, water and environment. However, since humans are at the top of the food chain, nature's systems can easily survive without us, just like it has for several billions of years

I would like to reiterate that individual actions certainly have an impact and can make our planet greener, more habitable and better for all life.

As consumers we need to make right choices when we buy goods and services and as producers of waste, we ought to do our best to Refuse, Reduce, Reuse & Recycle; adopting a more sustainable way of living could go a long way in saving the environment

As Captain Planet says "The Power is YOURS..."

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Welcome to EcoVive

I am Divya. I have been an Environmentalist for as long as I know and have created EcoVive to share my thoughts and raise awareness.


To keep us & our Planet healthy, to avoid the further degradation of our environment, more than ever now it is crucial that we become more conscious of our Environment and embrace a sustainable way of living


Leading a Green life can be pretty simple and easy to adopt.

Little steps, little changes by most individuals can have a significant impact on our Environment


Let's all together Make Earth Great Again

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