I recently came across an interesting way to deal with excessive packaging
Well, simply leave them at checkout..
As simple as it may sound it can however be impactful.
Consumer campaigns such as ones in link below can be effective in raising awareness as well as in fighting against plastic pollution
After checking out and paying for items purchased, remove clean packaging that is quick and easy to remove and hand it back to shop staff. For instance, plastic around fruit and veg such as bananas, cauliflower, plastic rings holding together packs of cans of soft drinks or beer
Politely tell the checkout staff “Thank you very much, but I don’t need this packaging, please can you take it back and make sure it is recycled or disposed of properly, your store should have facilities for doing this.”
It is also important not to hold up queues or leave a mess; and being respectful and being courteous to checkout staff and other customers goes without saying
This seemingly unusual act of leaving excessive packaging could help reduce our plastic footprint